
Fish sticks, peas and a cupcake is what our dinner was on april fools
day this year.  I know, it's not very realistic, but I did get the kids to
believe it for a short minute.  Gabe was pretty confused and Hadley
said, "Mom...these are NOT chickens"  LOL

Gabe was pretty upset. He was positive the cupcake had
playdough on the top and refused to eat it.
The cupcake is meatloaf with colored mashed 
potatoes on the top.  I wish I wouldn't have used the
coloring I did...but that's what I had on hand.
Kyla and her friend Kenzi.  (I couldn't get a decent 
picture of them because of the light behind them)
Kenzie thought it was the greatest thing.  She text her
Mom a picture right away. 
Trying to decide if they dare eat it.

The peas were frooties that I had warmed up and
spent 2 hours cutting up and rolling into peas.
I mixed them with real peas because I didn't feel like
doing anymore than I had already spent time doing.  

For the fish sticks (or chicken) I got 2 wafer cookies.  
Stuck them together with peanut butter, then smeared 
the peanut butter all around it and rolled it in 
crushed cornflakes. 
I think it was a fun dinner and the kids asked what my
plans are for NEXT April Fools day.

Bianca decided that morning she wanted to play a prank on her friends at school,
So...we wrapped her arm in an ace bandage and she came up with the story that
Her Mom asked her to go downstairs and get a veggie for dinner when she tripped
and fell down the stairs and broke her arm.  Positive nobody would believe it, (but telling
her it was a great story and she would fool everybody) off she went to school.  Pretty
much all of her friends bought it.  She only told her best friend the truth.  So, she left
school and left everybody believing she had broken her arm, lol.  They found out on 
Monday when she went back to school that it was all a joke.  I don't think it will work
again next year though.

We hope everyone took the chance to have a little fun on this silly holiday.  I figure if we are celebrating such a dumb day, we might as well enjoy it!

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